Ridwan Adigun Portfolio


Solana Hacker House in Dubai
Back in February, Solana held a five-day event at the Dubai Hacker House to entice Developers,  Partners, Investors, and Metaverse engineers to use the Solana blockchain for future developments. This was an exceptional event that took place in Burj Khalifa Dubai. The tallest building in the world; (If you’re having trouble picturing Burj Khalifa, just Google “Mission Impossible Burj Khalifa”.)

The events offer start-up pitches that focus on educational programming around Defi and NFTs, sharing with the public about the potential of web3 innovations that surround Metaverse developments, Jobs opportunity, Data Ownership, Transparency, Freedom for interactions and Better Security. Lets imagine all the people who attended the Dubai Hacker House event in February and were flooded with money, VC’s, and Entrepreneurs. Maybe it was just luck, but Solana was in the right place at the right time. As a result, Solana could emerge as the go-to blockchain ecosystem for building the metaverse together with everything in Dubai

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